Albany Medical Marijuana

"I first came in 2011 with an extensive list of health problems. I’ve suffered from chronic pain, sleeping and eating disorders, and major depressive disorder for the past 27 years. I was first diagnosed at 16 with herniated discs, and degenerative disc disease. Since then I have seen numerous specialist ranging from pain management to orthopedic surgeons, who have performed 11 surgeries and prescribed multiple pain medications to try and alleviate the excruciating pain. My surgeries have ranged from spinal fusions to instrumentation implants. I have rods and screws in my lower back, and a plate in my neck. After feeling as though I had exhausted all options with pain management, I approached the doctor about exploring the idea of Medical Marijuana. I was approved a few months ago, and since then have seen tremendous improvement, not only with pain management, but also with my sleeping and eating habits. I have been able to sleep more at night, and my appetite has increased as well. Seeing such improvements has also had a positive impact on my overall mood and anxiety level. At a time when I felt there was no hope, he gave me a light at the end of what seemed like an endless, dark tunnel. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude Albany Medical Marijuana and all of the staff  for continuing to go above and beyond for me, and truly making me feel confident in the care that I’m receiving. The level of knowledge and compassion in the office is exceptional, and I am truly grateful to be under their care. "

"...Without doctor’s non-stop pursuit for bettering my health, I am sure I would not have found the help and relief I have so desperately needed.   I truly feel that Medical Marijuana can be of tremendous help and relief for so many people that suffer from all types of painful ailments... he is by far the most helpful, understanding, down-to-Earth knowledgeable and trusting Doctor there is.  I wholeheartedly endorse and support Albany Medical Marijuana.  

                                                              (full testimonial below)

"I am a 35 year old male who was lucky enough to become one of the patients at Albany Medical Marijuana patients on 10/1/16.  I entered the program because I have neuropathy in my left arm caused by a lesion of the Radial Nerve.  What was once acute pain has led to severe chronic pain.  I have this immense pain shooting down my arm into my hand, constantly from this Radial Nerve lesion.  This has caused me to be unable to work in construction for he past 13 months.  It is not only the intermittent paralysis of my left arm/hand preventing work; the terrible pain I am in is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This has consumed my life. Simplistic tasks that people do with no problem are a major hassle for me.
At this point of my story, I am sure many would wonder, why not just take opiates?  Well, I don’t because since I was 20 years old I have been doing just that.  Taking opiates.  I had them for back injuries due to slipped discs from work, severe car accidents and other injuries. Since Nov 25, 2015 I have not taken any opiates and got myself into a Suboxone program.  That program strictly prohibits taking any opiates benzos and pretty much any controlled substance.  But the Suboxone was not helping my pain like the opiates did. My options on subsiding my pain had dwindled to almost nothing.  Between the back pain, and then the severe nerve pain in my arm/hand, I got to a point where I could no longer concentrate, do any type of chores,  partake in normal activities with my children or even sleep.  Sleep was almost non-existent.
Once I became a patient, I was switched from Suboxone to Subutex.  This did not relieve the pain.  I tried Ambien, but I still did not sleep.  The intense pain continued.   However, he has been relentless in helping me and just not giving up.  He was going to find the right combination to help me. Unfortunately, because I could not take any opiate pain relievers on top of the Subutex, he was seriously hindered.
With very few options available, he suggested the new Medical Marijuana Program.  This suggestion has been a turning point for me; one of the best things to happen to me in a long time.  The program has been working tenfold for pain relief.  The addition of the THC + CBD in the Medical Marijuana to the Subutex and Ambien has finally allowed me to sleep through the night and has decreased the pain so significantly that now I have my life back.  
Without the doctor's non-stop pursuit for bettering my health, I am sure I would not have found the help and relief I have so desperately needed.   I truly feel that Medical Marijuana can be of tremendous help and relief for so many people that suffer from all types of painful ailments and are not able to take opiates (like myself), or don’t want to take opiates because they are addicting.

Without Albany Medical Marijuana, I would be no better now than I was a year ago.  The doctor is by far the most helpful, understanding, down-to-Earth knowledgeable and trusting Doctor there is.  I wholeheartedly endorse and support Albany Medical Marijuana.  

Hopefully the Medical Marijuana field will eventually flourish to its full potential, to better help those patients, like me, in need."

"...I have seen tremendous improvement, not only with pain management, but also with my sleeping and eating habits. I have been able to sleep more at night, and my appetite has increased as well. Seeing such improvements has also had a positive impact on my overall mood and anxiety level. At a time when I felt there was no hope, the doctor gave me a light at the end of what seemed like an endless, dark tunnel."

"...I came to get help with my chronic pain. 

                                         (full testimonial below)